Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Reminder to RPHs who pass out Marijuana products, make sure you have a RX for it if the state wishes to ignore the federal law status as a class 1 RX product. Otherwise you may be in the same situation as this oregon RPH.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Syphilis is decreasing by 28% in San Antonio thanks to better detection/more funding/etc. PCN is the drug highlighted in the article admired as "cheap" and effective by a MD who directs the STD clinic.  Obviously the best advice to people: keep your clothes on.

Source: san antonio express.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Who watches the watchers? Growing up I was told how certain professionals should be treated by the laymen with a slight bit of suspicion because they might have their "hand/finger in the till" in reference to those who may pilfer. This is the story of a fired hospital director who diverted 200,000 oxycondone pills. While the average wholesale price is probably much less than $28 per pill, it is a testimony to the influence that temptation can play in people's lives.


Monday, June 15, 2015

A german pharmaceutical manufacturer is planning on relocating to San Antonio. It cost the City $1M, but in exchange the company promised to stay at least 8 years. One councilman said to a company official: if you see a pothole, call me directly. Many of the jobs will be lab workers with salaries in the $60-70k range.



Thursday, June 4, 2015

As an example of jurisprudence of one state being relevant to another state:
A Virginia Beach man becomes addicted to pain medicine. He kills his druggist. He gets to go to jail.
If said person had been addicted, and not commited a crime he could've sued his druggist if both people lived in another state.
Rule to wise, do not commit crimes.
This is part of why pharmacies have to have security systems/burglar alarms.

Original story from the about the behavior of Walter Hubbard towards David Kilgore from WAVY and WKTR.



Monday, June 1, 2015

As read in the newspaper, and also seen on the web, Yum brands is reducing the number of food dyes like Food, Drug & Cosmetic Blue No. 1 Dye. In honor of the news, I'll make the following text the same color.

This is known to people who abide by the Fiengold Diet as a confounder in the quest of determining if one causes ADHD/ADD.

When searching for one peer reviewed article on the subject the website wouldn't load. The following case report points out that in the severely ill, they absorbed way too much of it, and lo and behold like many things in life, when you consume too much of anything it makes one *really* sick.

In fairness, if one has the following diseases: Gram-negative sepsis, cadaveric renal transplant, symptomatic atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, acute right heart failure, and tricuspid regurgitation, one likely wouldn't be advised under a doctor's care to go eat at McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell, Sonic, Wendy's or any fast food joint. Doubtful, if even Chipotle would be acceptable.

Toxicity of Food Drug and Cosmetic Blue No. 1 Dye