Tuesday, December 13, 2016


An odd their to leave more than she stole.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Dieters beware your friend is an enemy.

"Aspartame may prevent, not promote, weight loss by blocking intestinal enzyme's activity 
Massachusetts General Hospital, 11/23/2016 

Mass. General study identifies possible mechanism behind sugar substitute's lack of effectiveness.
A team of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators has found a possible mechanism explaining why use of the sugar substitute aspartame might not promote weight loss.

In their report published online in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, the researchers show how the aspartame breakdown product phenylalanine interferes with the action of an enzyme previously shown to prevent metabolic syndrome – a group of symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. They also showed that mice receiving aspartame in their drinking water gained more weight and developed other symptoms of metabolic syndrome than animals fed similar diets lacking aspartame."

“Sugar substitutes like aspartame are designed to promote weight loss and decrease the incidence of metabolic syndrome, but a number of clinical and epidemiologic studies have suggested that these products don’t work very well and may actually make things worse,” says Richard Hodin, MD, of the MGH Department of Surgery, the study’s senior author. “We found that aspartame blocks a gut enzyme called intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) that we previously showed can prevent obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome; so we think that aspartame might not work because, even as it is substituting for sugar, it blocks the beneficial aspects of IAP.”

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Yale vs Harvard infections, pranks and more. This is an oldie, but goodie in terms of silliness.


In other news MD Anderson is expanding from Houston, to take care of cancer patients in San Antonio. How? Mergers and acquisitions.  Read more in the San Antonio Express.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fewer military/retirees using cvs?

When CVS leaves the network, beneficiaries currently using Coram/CVS to fill their prescription will need to switch their prescription to another speciality network pharmacy," Tricare officials told Military.com. Officials said Kroger, which is a current retail pharmacy provider, as well as Walgreens will both become speciality network pharmacies starting Dec. 1, and may carry the medications previously supplied by Coram.

Friday, September 9, 2016


The executive director says he helped a homeless lady become a pharmacist, but there is not much else about the lady's story.

Here's another article on the charity itself. While it also has a mother, no mention is made of pharmacy school.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Think you're obese? There was a person in the UK who can outweigh you.......

World’s Heaviest Teenager’ Finally Walks After Dropping 700 Lbs.

At his highest weight, Khaled Mohsen Al Shaeri weighed 1,345 lbs. and hadn’t left his bed for three years. In 2013, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia ordered that he be hospitalized for treatment. Since then, Shaeri — now in his early 20s — has lost 700 pounds, and a new video, posted to YouTube Tuesday (garnering almost 48,000 views), shows him walking for the first time in years. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

It's mylan, not maylan. Well, even the Washington post makes mistakes.

"This is the same year Maylan bought the rights to EpiPen."


Tuesday, August 16, 2016


5 for 1 or 9.99 for two.

Monday, August 15, 2016

From the daily mail on rio pool's....

A large proportion of children fail to reach adulthood without encountering a floating faeces during a pool visit, but Reddit user Costco1L's experience was more traumatic than many.
They said: 'I was at a golf club pool [when] someone doodied in it and then the former soldier who was suffering from mental health problems who was cleaning the pool grabbed it and took a bite. 
'I fainted as soon as he bit it

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Teva had to recall some amikacin due to glass particles in it.
Source nabp e-news.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Beligerant geriatric all because of noise? http://abc7.com/1459644/

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

During one of the boys’ first climbs, they were spotted climbing and were threatened with expulsion from school if they were caught again. Today, however, the Czech Republic is one of the only countries where climbers believe they can participate in the hobby without major hassle. “In terms of statistics, it is safer than many other activities. For example, a visit to the castle or walking up stairs.” 
Another form of exercise....

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Because I have a hard time taking what he said seriously, yet he said  it and said he is a Clinton supporter....

On the surface, the convention is going great. Michelle Obama made a speech for the ages....The media is eating it like cake. All good, right?
I watched singer Alicia Keys perform her song Superwoman at the convention and experienced a sinking feeling. I’m fairly certain my testosterone levels dropped as I watched, and that’s not even a little bit of an exaggeration. Science says men’s testosterone levels rise when they experience victory, and drop when they experience the opposite. I watched Keys tell the world that women are the answer to our problems. True or not, men were probably not feeling successful and victorious during her act.
Let me say this again, so you know I’m not kidding. Based on what I know about the human body, and the way our thoughts regulate our hormones, the Democratic National Convention is probably lowering testosterone levels all over the country. Literally, not figuratively. And since testosterone is a feel-good chemical for men, I think the Democratic convention is making men feel less happy. They might not know why they feel less happy, but they will start to associate the low feeling with whatever they are looking at when it happens, i.e. Clinton.
On the 2D playing field – where policies and facts matter – the Democratic National Convention is doing great. And when it comes to exciting women, it might be the best ever. But on an emotional level – where hormones rule – men have left the building…that they built.
For the record, I endorse Hillary Clinton for president, for my personal safety, because I live in California where it is dangerous for people to think you are a Trump supporter. My political views don’t align with either candidate and I don’t vote, in order to protect my objectivity.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Wonder if he will need a benzodiazepine or Dramamine to jump into the net without a parachute or wing suit?


Monday, July 4, 2016

Maids "we fight dirty." Time to talk about the hygeine hypothesis.

While checking my email I obtained an ad for what've thought was a pharmacist job. Then I discover the mom is the employer and she Is a pharmacist. I sometimes wish these job postings would filter by title and not by description.

Nanny Needed For 1 Child 
My wife is a pharmacist and has variable hours but you would know your schedule 4-6 weeks in advance. I'm looking for a nanny for my 2 years old boy....

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Will machines or new technology put us out of work? Drug topics had a piece about automation. Is it friend or foe? This question has been around for a while.

I also saw an article about Whole Foods increasing with check out areas instead of people, which customers did not like. The justification was to be profitable since having people being paid $15 was making it hard to be profitable.

The term Luddite is derisive for a man whose followers tried to stop English technology. (In the long run they failed, but from 1805 to 1815 or 1816 they had some success) To an extent it depends on how accepted the technology is and if one can use it or not.

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/luddite 1805-15; after Ned Ludd, 18th-century Leicestershire worker who originated the idea

"The woman of the port," has a cameo of a gracious pharmacist and his wife. He gives a rx costing 2.50 (local currency) to a lady. His wife points out after the fact that he is giving away rxs and they will be broke. He says the rich will pay enough for it to keep them open.

Monday, May 2, 2016

FDA approves folic acid fortification of corn masa flour

04/14/2016 09:06 AM EDT

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved folic acid fortification of corn masa flour. The approval allows manufacturers to voluntarily add up to 0.7 milligrams of folic acid per pound of corn masa flour, consistent with the levels of certain other enriched cereal grains.

The Washington post a newspaper had a nice explication about peer review. One problem with a radio-blog-print announcement about dogs hating hugs was that it was not peer reviewed, but that didn't not stop some from declaring it was true.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

bacon and sausage are now safe to eat: according to the FDA they will no longer allow a drug which has been used in pigs for 40 years, but leaves carcinogenic compounds in the pig's liver.

Source: WSJ and the FDA website.
"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) took the first step toward rescinding its approval of the use of carbadox to treat swine because the drug may leave trace amounts of a carcinogenic residue."

Friday, April 1, 2016

From aaap
"Under current regulations, physicians that are certified to prescribe buprenorphine for MAT are allowed to prescribe up to 30 patients initially and then after one year can request authorization to prescribe up to a maximum of 100 patients. This cap on prescribing limits the ability of some physicians to prescribe to patients with opioid use disorder.  If adopted, the proposed rulemaking would allow for a qualified and currently waivered physician to prescribe buprenorphine for up to 200 patients.  Existing evidence shows that this lifesaving, evidence-based treatment is under-utilized. This proposed expansion is especially important to people who are seeking help for an untreated opioid use disorder.  In many cases there are long waiting lists of patients for prescribers who have reached the 100 patient limit.  Easing additional barriers to treatment, such as this cap, is a major step HHS is taking to help reduce prescription opioid and heroin related overdose, death, and dependence.  The proposed rule is designed to strike an appropriate balance between expanding access to this important treatment, encouraging use of evidence-based MAT, and minimizing the risk of drug diversion.   

HHS welcomes public comment on this proposed rule, which will be open for comment for 60 days starting Wednesday, March 30, 2016."

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Daily mail: Bangladesh man has had lots of surgeries to remove warts and needs more.......former health secretary turned MP in UK pillories a plus sized model for being obese. .....

Monday, February 1, 2016

From mexico to Brazil Zika is around.....
To all pregnant women, please avoid the areas.
The following is sponsored by the CDC:

Where has Zika virus been found?

  • Prior to 2015, Zika virus outbreaks have occurred in areas of Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands.
  • In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infections in Brazil.
  • Currently, outbreaks are occurring in many countries.
  • Zika virus will continue to spread and it will be difficult to determine how the virus will spread over time.
Zika in the United States and its territories:
  • No locally transmitted Zika cases have been reported in the continental United States, but cases have been reported in returning travelers.
  • Locally transmitted Zika virus has been reported in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
  • With the recent outbreaks, the number of Zika cases among travelers visiting or returning to the United States will likely increase.
  • These imported cases could result in local spread of the virus in some areas of the United States.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Can't get a us rph job? Same problems exist in other countries. At least they are on TV....


The Israeli public knows her well: Salma, the Arab pharmacist. She is a professional in her field — courteous, personable, speaks impeccable Hebrew and is always willing to help Jewish customers who are seeking medical advice. But Salma is not a real pharmacist. She is a character played by actress Liat Har-Lev on the satirical TV show “Eretz Nehederet” (“Wonderful Land”).

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/07/israeli-arabs-pharmacists-medicine-university-jordan.html#ixzz3vP2l1Ejf