Monday, November 24, 2014

How does the Ferguson, MO trial and Occupy Wall Street (OWS) relate to RXs?
 OWS put out a blurb on twitter: Maalox may be part of a compounded medication to spray on your and your fellow protestors after just being sprayed with pepper spray.

Note from another site: use at your own risk, not for the inexperienced.

Considering all the problems with compounding, perhaps the wisest advice is to refrain from situations where one will need to be exposed to the offending agent.

Option two, it'll be self limiting so best not to use drugs. What's the benefit if the risk outweighs the benefit?

OWS also advise you to not trust the media. Since a Nature Made ad (put on the internet, a form of the media) says listen to RPHs, OWS (through a syllogism says shouldn't trust RPhs), but if one can't trust the media, one also shoudn't trust its own twitter-feed since it too is part of the media. :-)

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