Monday, December 15, 2014

To all future parents:

According to the 2012 edition of Volume 62, Number 9 of the CDC's "National Vital Statistics Reports" 3,952,841 people were born that year. Of those, 40-100 get an undesirable disease called  Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) yearly. Why is this relevant? Because if it is not detected the baby's lack of an immune system may result in death. 

This is where a Finish-American company comes in to improve life for babies. There product was able to find 17 positive cases and 6,383 negative cases out of 6,400 cases. It cannot detects related types of immunodeficiency: DiGeorge Syndrome, Omenn Syndrome, leaky-SCID or variant SCID.

It takes a few drops of blood from the baby's pes (trotter, tootsiesdogsboats, or foot) to help count the number of T Cells
The number of births daily is estimated to be 10,829 a day. Hopefully the machine will be printing out 10,829 negative results.

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