Friday, November 6, 2015

Just as the northeastern states in the us are dealing with heroin, pain management doctor get in trouble while mismanagement of patients leads to their deaths and a football coach is sent to retirement for health reasons.

Murder conviction: A Rowland Heights doctor was convicted of second-degree murder Friday for the overdose deaths of three patients. Dr. Hsiu-Ying "Lisa" Tseng was accused of missing red flags in patients who should not have received prescriptions. "She wrote them a prescription for the very thing they're addicted to. She shoved them over that cliff," a prosecutor said.Los Angeles Times

Cutting back: Citing health issues, USC Athletic Director Pat Haden said he has stepped down from the College Football Playoff committee. At the Oct. 17 game against Notre Dame, Haden became lightheaded and had to visit a hospital before flying back to Los Angeles. "I am reluctant to step down, but my doctors advised me to reduce my traveling," he said in a statement. Los Angeles"

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