Tuesday, February 21, 2017


In which the president of Iceland declares that he cannot ban pineapple pizza. The guardian had a story about him and his dislike of pineapple pizza.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

I did a CE related to driving which is why I posted this after I saw it:

"Violator was ticketed for speed and the HOV violation. On the positive side they were both wearing their seat belts! #buckelup"

Also saw this comment:
"RT @wspd1pio: I don't always break the HOV lane law, but when I do I get a $124 ticket! Give him an A for creativity!"

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Blind, catholic, and living in Phoenix Arizona? Maybe you will also get a miracle if you visit?


Monday, February 6, 2017

A bit of common sense from the U of Chicago

A physician may discuss a patient's condition or treatment regimen in the patient's semi-private room, but he/she should ask the other patient's visitors/family to leave, pull the curtain, and speak quietly.
