Thursday, August 20, 2015

Both Rite Aid and Walgreens opted to settle in California courts over 2014 allegations that their pharmacists did not counsel customers. CVS was mentioned because of alleged wrong doing in 2013.

Walgreens has agreed to pay $502,200 to settle charges that some of its pharmacists in California failed to provide patient consultations required by law.
“Pharmacist consultations prevent drug errors and ensure that patients have the right prescription for their condition,” San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said. “Without these checks and balances, dire consequences could result.”
Rite Aid did not admit any guilt. However, as terms of the settlement, the chain agreed to implement an internal compliance program, and pay investigative costs of $78,250 and civil penalties totaling $420,000.
The three counties reached a similar agreement with CVS last year. In that case, CVS agreed to pay $658,000 and to implement an internal compliance program.

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