Sunday, August 2, 2015

Memo to young teens. We know you think you are invincible, but please stay hydrated when you go to concerts.

Next, as the thirst mechanism in humans is delayed, please do not use illegal mind altering drugs. Ecstacy is one example which creates fevers as high as 108 degrees F. It kills people.

Death is not something you come back from. For those who some how do not die quickly, there is a much worse drawn put pain: organ damage. Organ donors are in short supply. There is also a chance of going into a coma. If you think student debt is high, look at a hospital bill.

Thus, save money and please skip the ecstacy. The life you save may be your own.

Source LA Times reporting 2 recent deaths of a 18 y/o & a 19 y/o. There were 5 recent dug confirmed rave deaths on the past 1.5 years. One more is being investigated. 14 died from 2006 to 2013.

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