Monday, August 17, 2015

Antibodies developed against MERS
APA Jul 30, 2015 No rating
Swiss researchers have developed antibodies against the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), which has been spreading since 2012 in the Middle East and, more recently, also in South Korea. The study was published in "PNAS".
A team of researchers led by Antonio Lanzavecchia from the Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Bellinzona, indicated that they needed four months to isolate, test and subsequently produce large quantities of the MERS antibody. The source was the blood of the first person who had developed MERS.
The researchers believe that - as soon as a producer has been found - effective therapies can be rapidly developed. Mice have already successfully been cured of the infection. The antibodies were effective against several viral strains. Further clinical development is planned.
To date, 1,300 people have contracted MERS, and about 500 have died. "An antibody could have limited this epidemic", said Lanzavecchia. Most infections are transmitted through family members and hospitals. "With the help of antibodies, the patients could have been cured and contact persons could have undergone postexposure prophylaxis", he said.

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