Tuesday, August 4, 2015

This is possibly not all unheard of news, but it was published in the journal Oncologist:149 Texans with cancer were consulted on their stress levels. One group went to a private hospital for care, the other a public hospital. While both groups were stressed, one group was poorer than the other.

The journal said this part is news for the poor people monetary distress was worse than "physical, family, and emotional distress." The study came to the conclusion, "physicians lack the tools to uncover financial distress."

As 4 is 1/2 of 8 there is a typo in the article, because the writer said the difference was more than 50%.  http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/848903

The text reads:
In fact, a novel self-reported survey revealed that the average "intensity" of financial distress in the public hospital patients, measured in a 10-point scale, was more than twice that of private center patients (8 vs 4; P = .0003).

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