Friday, September 11, 2015

From Drug Topics:
why is retailer Kmart suing Catamaran the PBM?
"Kmart has been unable to forecast financials, Kmart has experienced rapidly declining reimbursement rates from Catamaran, and, in many instances, Kmart now loses money on those prescriptions....Catamaran has not yet issued a response to Kmart’s lawsuit."

Why is this news? They were sued in February by over 50 independent pharmacies for "setting unreasonably low reimbursement rates, makes pricing data inaccessible, and failing to be transparent concerning drug rebates."

In other news, California's are now less bitter towards almonds. See below:

Defending almonds: Farmers are harvesting almonds in the San Joaquin Valley. The nut was the poster child for water waste in the drought until urban dwellers realized just how much water they had been wasting themselves, columnist Robin Abcarian writes. "Almonds aren't giant, water-hogging things. They are a good crop, and good food," one nut farmer said.Los Angeles Times

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