Friday, September 25, 2015

You can safely sing happy birthday without copyright fears. The world of copyright has a role on patents (drugs).....

'Happy Birthday' song copyright is not valid, judge rules

Also there's the article about how drug prices cost too much.

"The patient had a dangerously high level of LDL cholesterol, a high risk for heart disease and an intolerance for the most common cholesterol-fighting medication.
Dr. William Averill, a Torrance cardiologist, thought he had a solution: Praluent, a cholesterol-lowering drug from pharmaceutical companies Regeneron and Sanofi that had just been approved by the FDA as a treatment for people who didn't benefit from the standard cholesterol treatment.
The only problem? The drug's $14,600-a-year sticker-shocker price — 140 times more expensive than generic statins that typically cost about $100 a year."

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